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The Lionel Bopage Story: from an ex-rebel that walked away to that he walked away from.
The Lionel Bopage Story: Rebellion, Repression and the Struggle for Justice in Sri Lanka by Michael Colin Cooke comes at a crucial juncture in Left Wing representation of the nation’s history. On one hand, the political party of which Bopage was a key member – the JVP – has had an intra-party explosion of a sort and is in the process of relaying itself in terms of its policy, ideology and membership. Then, again, the political present against which the book is released is intense with “repressions” – political, social, cultural, (non-state) ideological etc – and a strained sense of justice are generally felt by citizens who choose to see the existence of such. Our political transactions remain “struggles” alright; largely muffled struggles by a strategic weakening of “alternative voices” and modes of such representation.